Posted by: Johan Normark | October 6, 2015

Settlements and the Urban: Architecture and Archaeology in America and Europe

INAH is hosting a symposium in Cancun next year:

Settlements and the Urban: Architecture and Archaeology in America and Europe

Symposium 16-18th of May 2016

Changes of human settlements over the last decades have been quite dramatic, and there is an expanding bibliography on settlements and the urban, discussing potentials and problems in recent developments. Architects and landscape architects are directly involved in the process, situated at a particular and interesting position, while archaeologists address the problems in long term perspectives, and work the intricacy of time, settlement and society within an historical framework.

The Architecture, Archaeology and Contemporary City Planning network aims at establishing new kinds of dialogues between architects, archaeologists and historians, looking for new ways of addressing issue of settlement planning, as well as a closer cooperation between these disciplines, that allows to generate alternative interpretations for ancient settlements and new ways of facing challenges in contemporary urbanism and its social actors.

America and Europe exhibit certain differences in settlement distribution, in part related to the particularity of the indigenous past in the Americas, and to the outcome of the violent and exploitative colonial encounter, but also related to later developments. Comparing the intricate relation between time and space in the Americas and Europe help elucidate shared problems and highlight differences. We will also like to see a continued discussion, initiated at prior AACCP events, on visualisation and documentation of various kinds, in particular related to the digital revolution and the use of new technologies, both in record and analysis of ancient and modern cities. Involved in this complex theme, questions of aesthetics, deconstruction and “gestalt” are of major importance.

The first AACCP event took place in Florence 2014, and the proceedings can be found at The second event took place in Valencia and the proceedings are on the way.

Papers addressing contemporary case studies, as well as relevant prehistoric or historic cases are welcome, especially those works that analyse settlement transformations throughout time. We invite interested scholars from various relevant disciplines to a productive and interesting congress, to be realised at the Maya Museum in Cancun, México and organised by the Mexican INAH and the AACCP network. The congress will take place between May 16th and 18th 2016. Abstracts in English or Spanish, with a maximum of 250 words, must be submitted by e-mail before January 15th 2016, including name of the author or co-authors (when applicable), paper title, institution and all contact information. Please note that final oral presentations should not exceed 30 minutes in length.

All submitted abstracts will be evaluated by the committee, and all proposals will be notified before February 15th, when the final program of the symposium will be integrated.

Apart of the formal sessions, there will be complimentary excursion tours, from May 13th to 15th of May. Further information will be issued in the next months.

For more information and submit abstracts, please contact:

The Symposium Committee:

Dr. Per E. Cornell. Professor, Department of Historical Studies, University of Gothenburg, Sweden

Dr. Giorgio Verdiani. Professor, Dipartimento di Architettura- (DIDA). ICAR/17 – Disegno. Università degli Studi Firenze, Italy

Dr. Pablo Rodríguez Navarro. Professor, Departamento de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain

Arql. Adriana Velázquez Morlet. Director, Centro INAH Quintana Roo. Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Mexico
