Posted by: Johan Normark | February 23, 2012

Future field season in Mexico

Although I may have problems squeezing in a field season in the Cochuah region this summer that does not mean that I will not participate in any field work in Yucatan this year. My former thesis advisor Per Cornell has been in contact with INAH-QR and we will hopefully do some field work in the Cancun area sometime this year (most likely after the rainy season). It will be a project including people from the University of Gothenburg, the Swedish National Heritage Board and INAH-QR. Most of the Swedish people will probably come from Per’s current project on the early modern town. The plan is to excavate and document a household. Staying in Cancun will be quite a different experience than sleeping in the hammock in Sacalaca and Saban.


  1. Yes, let’s hope for an autumn excavation 🙂

  2. Late autumn/early winter. However, I want to get out of Mexico before December 21. When the world ends I want to be back home again…
